Swimming pool Leaks

Mains leaks are among the most damaging tpes of leaks due to the continuous loss of water under high pressure.

Swimming Pool Water loss can have detrimental short- and long-term effects, such as rising operating expenses and significant subsidence that may result in expensive pool shell and structure damage. Water loss from pools can occur naturally for a variety of completely legitimate reasons. Other causes of water loss include equipment failure, ageing pool shells, and problems with the liner. If you lose more than 25–30 mm of water a week, you may have a leak.
The following are indications that your swimming pool is leaking:
What equipment we deploy:
Swimming Pool Pipe Leak | Leak Detection 24/7
When you have identified a leak, it is unlikely that you will be able to determine the source of the leak yourself, but don’t worry! We are here to deliver a leak detection service to locate and fix the problem.

We would ideally work with your current pump maintenance engineer or contractor to help with our leak detection work. Alternatively, we would be able to deal with your swimming pool and pump room entirely. To initiate the process, kindly send an email to info@leakdetection247.co.uk
with your contact information, address, and a brief description of your swimming pool, or use the ‘Contact Us’ form located at the bottom of the page.

The next step will be for you to respond to a questionnaire regarding your pool so that we can determine what services you need, verify the price of the leak detection survey, and schedule a time for the survey.

Some Common Causes Of Water Pool Loss

Swimming Pool Leak Detection Manifold | Leak Detection 24/7


Our team of leak detection specialists work around the clock to support our clients. We have an extremely high success rate in detecting leaks within both commercial and residential properties. 

In addition to the above we also offer a NO FIND, NO FEE GUARANTEE. So for peace of mind call Leak Detection 24/7 today and let the stress caused by your water leaks become a thing of the past.